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Man at Desk

"Like everything metaphysical the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language." -- Ludwig Wittgenstein

Fichte / Picture

By Richard Mather

There is nothing real anywhere, neither 
outside of us nor in us. I know of 
no being at all. Not even myself.
Images there are. They are all that exist, 
connected to each other, interpenetrating,
merging, overlapping, an irreducible 
multiplicity of unframed pictures 
in movement.
                        It is a strange dream
making pictures of other pictures, 
the image of your mind picturing 
pictures, and the picture of my mind 
picturing you doing so.  

"The past, therefore, is not the past, nor the future future. It exists only when a subjectivity is there to disrupt the plenitude of being in itself, to adumbrate a perspective, and introduce non-being into it." -- Maurice Merleau-Ponty

"...the present nevertheless enjoys a privilege because it is the zone in which being and consciousness coincide." -- Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Green Typewriter

"Spirit abandons man and becomes a book, a thing. Man thus becomes the bearer of truth's reproduction instead of its production." -- Boris Groys

"...instead of man, it is now the Book that functions as medium , as material bearer of philosophical desire, of Spirit.  [...] Spirit becomes printed, it becomes inhuman." -- Boris Groys


metacritique of theory

ontology & ontotheology

language & logical positivism

anxiety & therapy

will-to-power & the power of being

the subject & the abject

der aufklärer as voyeur

transgression as immanent transcendence

existentialism - the abyss & the absurd

base materialisms

judaism & ethics

the all-too-human

pleasure, repetition & cathexis

aesthetic intuition 

object-oriented ontology

flat poetics

surfaces & depth

lightness & heaviness

etymology as genealogy

"Anxiety is an alien power which lays hold of the individual, and yet cannot tear oneself away, nor has a will to do so; for one fears, but what one fears one desires." -- Søren Kierkegaard

"All existence make me anxious, from the smallest fly to the mysteries of the Incarnation; the whole thing is inexplicable to me, I myself most of all; to me all existence is infected, I myself most of all." --Søren Kierkegaard  

"In Spirit, the subsistence of an object – its space – is Being. Being is the abstract, pure concept of subsistence. I and the thing are in space. Space is posited as essentially distinct from its content. It is not the essence of its fulfilment itself. It is only a formal universal which is separate from its particular. The subsistence of Spirit, however, is truly universal; it contains the particular itself. The thing is. It is not in Being [as content is in space]; rather it itself is." -- Georg W. F. Hegel

"...desire is each man's nature or essence; therefore desire in one individual differs from desire in another individual..." -- Baruch Spinoza

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"the manifestation of a compulsion to repeat ... exhibit to a high degree an instinctual character and, when they act in opposition to the pleasure principle, give the appearance of some 'daemonic' force at work." -- Sigmund Freud

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